+3886(AB) BATTLE OF BRITAIN --------------------------- This 2 disk educational title is excellent for anyone wanting to know about the Battle of Britain. Written in Hyperbook, it covers every angle of the battle, including the number of planes/soldiers involved, who was in charge, who shot who etc etc etc. A whole dumper truck full of information at your fingertips. +3926(AB) THE JUDGE & JUDGING ----------------------------- Another photographic tutorial telling you how to win loads of moolah by taking the right sort of pictures and entering them in competitions. +3986(AB) FLASH & FLASH UNITS ----------------------------- The use of a flash gun is an extremely important part of photography. Everyone who takes pictures, seriously or just of the kids at Christmas, uses a flash. Usually, all that they do is switch it on in blissful ignorance and hope for the best. The contents of this disk is a tutorial designed to help get better results at both basic and more advanced levels. +3989(AB) SELLING PICTURES -------------------------- This tutorial leads the prospective money making photographer through some of the possibilities and sets out the pitfalls to watch for. +4002 KIDS ONLY VOL.1 --------------------- This program consists of a collection of seven activities for children aged 5 and older. The user interface used throughout has been kept as uniform as possible, all buttons have explanatory text under pictorial representation of what action 'clicking' the button will produce. The activities included on here are Colouring Pad, Dot 2 Dot, Pairs, Picture Slide, Music Maker, Word Search and I Spy. +4057 REVISION MASTER V1.0 -------------------------- RM is a cheap but extremely powerful tool to help people revise for exams. If your a student with an Amiga and are not using RM, you are missing out on this excellent program, whether you are doing GCSE's, A-Levels, at university or whatever. However, the program has many other uses too. How about if your going on holiday abroad and want to brush up on your language skills?, RM will help you. If your taking your driving test why not let RM test you on the highway code? If your an Amiga coder, you could even use RM to help you become familiar with commands, the uses of RM are unlimited. In fact just about anything in life which requires a good sound knowledge of something, RM can be used! With RM, YOU enter the questions and answers into the program to suit your own knowledge. It's important that you balance the questions at the correct level, ie. don't make them too easy or too hard. You could even get a friend to produce the questions and answers for you if you like to make it more difficult. Entering questions yourself then being tested on them when you've already entered the answer yourself may seem pretty ridiculous at first, but it isn't. By the time you build up libraries of questions over several weeks and start testing yourself on them later, you'll have to perform well to get them all correct and will find it challenging. +4080(AB) CLOSE UP PHOTOGRAPHY ------------------------------ A tutorial disk about taking dirty pictures. Readers wives and all that nonsense. NO, BUT HONESTLY, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH READERS WIVES REALLY! THE ONLY "ANATOMY" ON DISPLAY IS THAT OF INSECTS! Thanks to MR PD Brained, Peter D Bain, for pointing this out to us! Well, thats life you isn't it, te he he! +4207(AB) GLOBAL FACTS ---------------------- IF YOU ARE LIKE ME, CONFUSED ABOUT ALL THE NEW COUNTIES IN GREAT BRITAIN THEN THIS PROGRAMME WILL SERVE YOUR NEEDS. IT IS AN AMIGA GUIDE DOCUMENT THAT GIVES A ROUGH GUIDE TO ALL THE METROPOLITAN AND NON METROPOLITAN COUNTIES OR SCOTTISH REGIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND. There has bee a compete lack of educational software on the Amiga, so we think it's time to start adding some to our library! +4208(ABC) NIGHT MATH ATACK --------------------------- An educational maths game with nice graphics and music to keep the kids interested, good idea eh! +4209 A-Z COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD -------------------------------- This is a continuation of disk 4207. This programme has been written in Amigaguide, as it is easy and simple to use. There are no maps as it is just an A to Z of world countries. Included are enough items of interest to make it acceptable as a quick reference guide for which it is intended. Being a reference guide this programme should be used in conjunction with an up to date atlas. The author has included locations which make the countries easy to find. He has covered all of the worlds countries and most of the islands belonging to those countries with the exception of a few isolated tiny islands due to being unable to gain any information. +4210 THE WEATHER GUIDE ----------------------- An enjoyable and informative presentation on the science of technology. This presentation aims to explain how and why weather formations occur and shows the various physical processes going on in the atmosphere. To do this we must explore the Earth in space, the oceans, the land and of course the atmosphere. In this interactive program you can investigate the weather in our temperature latitudes and look at the special weather informations in the tropics. So let's grab a brolly and get on with it! +4211 ANIMAL LAND ----------------- Animal Land is aimed at 4yrs and upwards to aid children in recognising numbers using animals and animations to help them remember. It also gives the child an insight as to where and what a particular animal lives and looks like. the program is also designed so that the parent can join in with the child while the child learns and plays. After loading you will be asked were a certain animal lives using either the numbers on the top of the computer or the numeric kepad located on the right of the main key pad. Get your child to find the number on the screen and the to find that number on the computer. Asking the child what number they are pressing will encourage them to recognise the numbers as well as count. +4212 BAR TENDER V1.1 --------------------- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy states "The best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster". The author was unable to locate the recipe for that one, so these other 1000 will have to suffice. The program lets you browse through a 1000 drink mixes, complete with separate ingredient listings and preparation instructions. Hmm, interesting, always wondered how they made the salt stick to the rim of a Margereta, well now I know! +4213 EARLY LEARNER ------------------- A very simple words and pictures program. Great fun for the younger kids! +4544 CP V0.205 --------------- CP is the most advanced, feature-packed kid's package currently available on any system. That is what they will say when the full version is released!! Incorporating full-screen animation with an advanced GUI and full customisation, CP truly represents the ultimate in children's software. Add a wealth of fun-packed features and you can't help wondering why something this great hasn't been done before! CP is currently at version 0.205, with 0.25 coming soon. Only the paint package side of the software is available at this stage, but more and more parts of the system will be included as version after version is released. It concentrates on fun, graphics, power and ease of use. It represents a new era in software - CP is the most user-friendly software on any platform - a major point considering it has been designed for kids. But what are you reading this for? CP is waiting for you... *** HARD DRIVE REQUIRED ***